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Showing posts from September, 2017

Our advice on parenting your school aged children thru divorce

Divorce can be one of the most difficult times of your life and even worse for your school- aged child caught in the middle. It is worse for your school aged children than the younger children because they understand more, they are more aware of what’s happening. To help your children out, your best practice is to follow a parenting plan. Preparing a parenting plan You and your ex-spouse must set parenting principles and stick to them. Most important you don’t want your children to get affected by any disagreements so you will need to come to an agreement of what rules and principles you are going to set. Set your ground rules and boundaries on what you consider to be acceptable behavior in front of and around your children. Always be able to know that you can count on each other in case of an emergency. It is important to know that your child is equipped with all necessities at which house they are staying. Create a custody/visitation scheduled Divorce will bri